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Miracle of Lipa: Vatican's CDF decree an act of fraud to deceive Filipino Catholics?

The Vatican has the final say in approving or disapproving reported apparitions. These studied apparitions are classed as "not worthy of belief", "not contrary to the Faith", or "worthy of belief". 

The Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) of the Holy Office has very recently referred to a "definitive confirmation" in 1951 by Pope Pius XII in declaring the Lipa 1948 apparitions "not of supernatural origin".

But it appears that no one in the Roman Catholic hierarchy in the Philippines has ever heard of such a Pope Pius XII edict in 1951. The Church, however, is fully aware of a controversial declaration in 1951 signed by six Filipino bishops including then Bishop Rufino Santos (who would be the first Filipino Cardinal), that the evidence and testimonies "exclude any supernatural intervention". The declaration was merely certified ("Concordat cum originali", literally "concordance/is consistent with the original") by then Apostolic Nuncio to the Philippines, Egidio Vagnozzi.

So, is there such a thing as a Pope Pius XII edict, or confirmation, or decision, or decree?

Fr. Paul Kramer, lecturer and author of numerous articles and books on the Catholic Faith and on the subject of Fatima, says otherwise. TradCatKnight, the most read traditional Catholic page online, now one of top 50 websites in the world, carried the story below.

Here, Fr. Kramer says the CDF claim must be dismissed as "apocryphal":

"The onus is on the CDF to produce the evidence of the alleged confirmation, otherwise the claim must be dismissed by the CBCP as apocryphal. It is standard procedure to note the approval of a higher authority on the decree itself. Such a notation is nowhere to be found on the decree April 1951; and it is inconceivable that Pius XII issued some other decree confirming the 11/04/1951 decree on Lipa, since such a decree is totally unknown to ever have existed, and unless duly promulgated, it would remain bereft of all juridical force."

The Carmelite sisters of Lipa with Auxiliary Bishop of Lipa , Alfredo Obviar.
Bishop Obviar was installed in 1951 until his retirement in 1976 as Apostolic Administrator of the new Diocese of Lucena and Marinduque became a part of it. He was installed as the first Bishop of the Diocese of Lucena in 1969.

Obviar passed away in 1978,  was declared Servant of God on 6 March 2001 venerated in the Catholic Church. With saint protocol number 2398 his cause for beautification is currently underway.

Marinduque was governed by the Archdiocese of Manila until 1910, when it became a suffragan of the Diocese of Lipa. After being part of the Diocese of Lucena, it was created as a separate diocese in 1978, now the Diocese of Boac.


《In its decree, the Sacred Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) of the Holy See argued that Pope Pius XII made a “definitive” confirmation in 1951 against “the supposed apparitions” and declared they “were not of supernatural origin.”》

If Pope Pius XII made a "definitive confirmation" in 1951 of the decree, as the CBCP claims, then that "definitive confirmation" would be noted on the decree itself, as is the case with the July 1961 decree of the Holy Office condemning the "All Nations" apparitions in Amsterdam. apparitions. The significance of such a notation is explained in, Code of Canon Law and Commentary, by James Corriden et al., published by the Canon Law Society of America.

According to Canon Law, if there appears on a decree of the Holy Office such words as, "with the approval of the Supreme Pontiff"; or "after consultation with the Supreme Pontiff", then the decree has the authority of a papal act. If a diocesan decree has such a phrase as "after consultation with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith" (as is the case with the Declaration of the Diocese of Brooklyn on the alleged apparitions of Bayside); or "with the approval of the CDF", then the decree has the force of a Roman curial act.

There is no such clause on the April 11, 1951 decree:

《April 11, 1951

We, the undersigned Archbishops and Bishops, constituting for the purpose of a special Commission, have attentively examined and reviewed the evidence and testimonies in the course of repeated, long, and careful examinations, have reached the unanimous conclusion and hereby officially declare that the above mentioned evidence and testimonies exclude any supernatural intervention in the reported extraordinary happenings - including the shower of petals at the Carmel of Lipa.

Manila, April 11, 1951

(Signed) Gabriel M. Reyes
Archbishop of Manila
(Signed) Mariano Madriaga
Bishop of Lingayen
Cesar M. Guerrero
Bishop of San Fernando
Juan Sison
Auxiliary Bishop of Nueva Segovia
Vincente Reyes
Auxiliary Bishop of Manila
Rufino Santos
Apostolic Administrator of Lipa

Manila, 11 April 1951
Concordat cum originali
(Signed) Egidio Vagnozzi
(Apostolic Nuncio) 》

If Pius XII whispered his "definitive confirmation", or wrote it, signed it and put it in a drawer -- but it was not noted on the decree, then the decree has no force beyond its own face value, and the alleged "definitive confirmation" would be utterly bereft of any juridical force whatsoever.

The onus is on the CDF to produce the evidence of the alleged confirmation, otherwise the claim must be dismissed by the CBCP as apocryphal. It is standard procedure to note the approval of a higher authority on the decree itself. Such a notation is nowhere to be found on the decree April 1951; and it is inconceivable that Pius XII issued some other decree confirming the 11/04/1951 decree on Lipa, since such a decree is totally unknown to ever have existed, and unless duly promulgated, it would remain bereft of all juridical force.

Whoever it was in the CDF who claimed that Pius XII 《made a "definitive confirmation in 1951", and "declared they were not of supernatural origin", must have studied Canon Law at the Alice in Wonderland Institute; or else has perpetrated a deliberate act of fraud in order to deceive the Catholic hierarchy and faithful of the Philippines. - TradCatKnight

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