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Update from Broussard: No valid sightings of Planet-7X

Scientific equation shows an infamous real object on an elliptical orbit, but...

On December 30, 1983 NASA's Chief Scientist of the Infra-Red Astronomical Satellite telescope (IRAS) announced that NASA had discovered Planet X. The findings were reported in other newspapers like Astronomy (Dec. 1981): "Search for the Tenth Planet"; New York Times, (June 19, 1982, January 30, 2983) Newsweek (June 28, 1982), US News World Report (Sept. 10, 1984). Then there was a retraction from NASA.

Then in 1999 Chilean astronomer, Carlos Munoz Ferrada gave an interview on television in Puerto Rico specifying the mass, velocity, orbital time, the trajectory and the terrible consequences being produced by the "comet-planet" that he named Hercolobus. He said then that the great geophysical change that will occur on earth was already advancing.

In recent times, more reports came in: CNN: "New Planet may have been discovered, researchers say"; Science Magazine: "Astronomers say a Neptune sized planet lurks beyond Pluto"; "Caltech researchers find evidence of a real ninth planet"; National Geographic: Scientists find evidence for ninth planet in solar system"; 'Planet Nine' May Exist: New Evidence for Another World in Our Solar System.

Comes Gill Broussard, amateur astronomer, researcher, philosopher, lecturer and key figure in regards to Planet X. Broussard has repeatedly been quoted that the date of March 26, 2016 , using biblical data points deeply concerns him. 

He stressed, however, that that specific biblical signs (Third, Fourth and Fifth Seal in Revelations), must first come to pass before Planet X becomes visible. 

"It's my opinion, that any date past 2017 would well exceed the Biblical time account!", says Broussard.  

Today, Broussard has just posted the following message: 

From Gill Broussard 


There are no valid sightings of Planet-7X (P-7X) in the public realm at this time. There are only lens flares, sun dogs (mirages), etc. When P-7X shows up it will be seen in the night time sky and it will appear like a star at first and get larger, similar to the size we see Jupiter at night, and as bright as Venus. There are two to three million amateur astronomers that will show us detailed photos of P-7X when it does show up. Hopefully internet is available for rapid notification. More at the end.

I share in peoples frustrations on the lack of a valid sighting. The Asian astronomers stated seeing it 13 months ahead of its arrival. A March, 2016 arrival should have realized a visual sighting as early as February of 2015; earlier with telescopes. Obviously we are well overdue. Personally I am giving P-7X more time to show up, secondary to a comment made by a retired, senior NASA engineer. I asked him if the government has the means to block or interfere with our view of P-7X. He gave a quick answer saying “Yes."

Since P-7X did not show up by now, I must conclude that it will not arrive in April or March, 2016 either, and we can all breathe a sigh of relief that we have more time. Keep in mind, though, that we will see Seal #3,#4 & #5 happen before Seal #6 (P-7X 1st meteor storm) or Seal #7 (P-7X 2nd meteor storm).

Seal #3: Global economic collapse (This appears to be very close to happening).

Seal #4: War, famine and pestilences (This also appears to be very close to happening).

This will cause a food, water, fuel & money shortage; government rationing could be implemented. “A great falling away” of many believers could occur as they were told by religious authorities “nothing bad would happen," and were misdirected, and not instructed on the specifics of customs, and literal meanings in the Old Testament, where a person is to have supplies for the Sabbath and Jubilee years.

Signs in the heavens will appear (Planet-7X, etc).
Seal #5: Peace agreement (First clear indicator of the anti-messiah).

Then shortly after, following Yeshua's "days of Noah" prophecy, the world governments would issue a 40 day warning of P-7X’s approach to the world.

The Two-Witnesses will appear in Jerusalem, just before the festival of Feast of Passover (on a full Moon).

Seal #6: The day of the 1st meteor storm, March/April (Daytime side of Earth).

This is also the start of the “Great Tribulation” (on the daytime side of Earth).

This is also the night (on the opposite side of Earth) that Yeshua returns for the bride and for the “wise” bridesmaids, at mid-of-night in Jerusalem, (This is the 1st. “taking away”). He brings this “remnant” (not all) to a place in the wilderness (not heaven) where they stay in safety for 1,260 days (3 1/2 years). The Almighty YHVH took a remnant of eight, & set them adrift. He brought out a remnant of three million from Egypt, and brought them to wilderness. Since He "changes not," He will protect a remnant very soon.

Seal #7: The 2nd meteor storm. (Nighttime side of Earth - There is 150-152 days separation between Seal #6 & #7 - Wormwood impact, a large asteroid - The 5th trumpets sounds).

At the end of the 3 1/2 years (1,260 days) of the Great Tribulation, the 2nd “taking away” (Rapture) occurs, as most understand from Paul's writings on the subject. All believers, dead & alive, are brought to heaven (The New Jerusalem). This is known in Hebrew as “The day no man knows the day or hour” (Day of Trumpets, near September). The guests then arrive to the wedding, followed by the bridesmaids and then the Bride. The wedding takes place, followed by a year long celebration. Incidentally, a Hebrew groom cannot go to war before one year of marriage is completed. 

Therefore, during this year, the anti-messiah and his army are suffering under the seven bowl judgments, while they see raptured servants standing on a sea of glass (The bottom of the New Jerusalem, hovering over Earth).


After the one year has ended, Yeshua & 144,000 return to Earth, wiping out the anti-messiah and his army. Yeshua returns to the New Jerusalem, stating that the wedding and feast are complete. 

Then the wedding guests are returned to Earth, for the next 1,000 years (It takes them 7 months to burn the implements of war). Only the bride and the bridesmaids live in the New Jerusalem during the 1,000 year reign, they help to govern the nations (The guests of the wedding). After the 1,000 years is over, they all are equal in knowledge, and instruction of life in the TORAH. Then YHVH makes a new Earth and a new atmosphere (1st. heaven), and the New Jerusalem sits on Earth and Elohim lives with us for eternity. I am excited!

Since there are no valid sightings in the public realm at this time, I estimate, after a large Middle-East war (Seal #4), martial law will be implemented before the first sighting of P-7X. Consequently, I suspect a cyber attack will target the internet, & eliminate rapid notification of P-7X approach. Governments would keep it secretive until the announcement of a signing of a peace agreement.

However, when P-7X does approach, in the nighttime sky it will appear as large as Jupiter, yet as bright as Venus. The object should continue to double in size each time its distance is reduced by half.

Yes, it appears that P-7X will not arrive this March/April, 2016. None the less, the search continues, as a possible appearance next March/April, 2017 (Passover) should reveal an object in the nighttime skies very soon.

Kind regards,
Gill Broussard

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