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Gill Broussard connects the dots on Planet 7X

The Fiery 'Red Dragon of Old,' Nibiru, Nemisis, Intruder, Planet X; it goes by a lot of names, but no one or their research has been able to comprehensively put together the facts about this elusive planetary body, until now. 

Amateur astronomer and independent researcher, Gill Broussard has challenged the denial of its existence.  His documentary presentation attempts to scratch the surface and help connect the dots with his years of grueling and immense research at its foundation. 

His calculations push the boundaries of the traditional  scientific paradigms and will baffle the Biblical scholars and theologians. Planet 7X will have you looking up into the stars with new eyes.

Interview by BPEarthWatch

Ten Points to remember about this near-earth object, N.E.O. (Planet-7X)! 

(Excerpts from Gill Broussard's work):

Why the name change Planet-X to Planet-7X? 

To separate information in a conversation from what data source you are using. There a great deal of information on "Planet-X" that does not fit the data provided by the ancient Chinese writings and Scripture. 

1. No year is conclusive on its arrival, there are only estimates. Except for NASA, and a few large observatories and they are silent on this matter. 

2. We have a range of years as possibilities for it arrival 2013-21, and the year before it arrival they will notice a new object in the sky for all the general public to view. 

3. The years between 2013-2017 is strongly favored from the implied biblical text. The date March 26, 2016 stands in the text as an alignment of the constellation Virgo, Jupiter and P-7X. Only time will tell if this estimate is favored. 

4. There is clear historical data of this N.E.O. (Near Earth Object) Planet-7X. • Planet-7X enters Earth’s orbit path in mid-August to mid-Sept. • Planet-7X exits Earth’s orbital path in mid-March to mid-April. • Planet-7X will have a separation of 150-152 days apart from entry to exit along Earth’s path. • Planet-7X debris field that Earth travels through, is seven times the diameter of Earth. 

5. There is clear historical data of a geographical pole shift of 26-28 degrees and drastic seasonal changes. 

6. New findings from astrophysics indicating gravity from a new planetary body. 

7. There are strong indicators of past global catastrophes (droughts, floods, extreme weather, earthquakes, etc.). 

8. There are strong indicators of large meteor impacts in Earth’s past. 

9. The Bible is an integrated message, pointing to an end time event that precisely matches a N.E.O. such as Planet-7X. 

• It informs us to look in the sky for signs! 
• No definite year is given, nor a point to count from.

Estimates by Gill Broussard: "I don't have a crystal ball. This is what the Scripture indicates,"

Listed below are the ten false claims Gil Broussard recognizes in Planet-X! 

1. Planet-X has a 3,600 year orbit! (Miss interpreted text - “0” were implied) 

2. Identified as a “Sun” (Miss interpreted text - an illuminated heavenly body) 

3. The size varies from Jupiter size to a small Sun. 

4. Having orbital bodies like moons! (Miss interpreted text - probably asteroids.) 

5. Alien life on this Planet-X! (fallen angels) 

6. That Planet-X alienʼs needed gold to repair their atmosphere. 

7. That they created humanʼs as a slave race to mine gold and to serve them. 

8. That Planet-X is so dark that only an infrared telescope or satellite can see it. (false, the chinese saw it up to a year ahead, and infrared telescope are used to look for deep space objects, beyond optical telescopes capability.) 

9. Planet-X is coming from the direction of the South pole region of space. (False, the data does not support that region of space!) 

10. Planet-X is coming from the direction of Orion region of space. (False, the data does not support that region of space!)

Interview by Paul Begley:

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