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Typhoon Noul threatens Luzon

Noul continues to intensify as it tracks west today towards the Philippines. The storm threatens now to make landfall somewhere in central Central Luzon as a Very Strong to potentially Violent Typhoon.  This means people living up and down the coast need to watch the track and further development of this storm and start making
preparations now.  Have an emergency kit ready and a evacuation plan in place if the need comes up.

At this time Noul is a strong typhoon with winds sustained around 144kph. As of Thursday morning a eye is also becoming more visible as the dense cirrus overcast in the storms center starts to clear out with dropping pressure in the core.

Noul will continue to track West North West over the next 48hrs along the southern extent of the sub-tropical ridge to the north. This ridge looks like it will remain the dominant factor all the way to landfall on the storms track and somewhat intensity.

High sea surface temperatures and relatively low vertical wind shear around 15-20kts will allow Noul to continue to intensify up until landfall Saturday Evening through Early Sunday Morning.


Of course winds will be a major impact. Especially for communities near coastal areas north of the storms center of circulation. Follow the latest updates and tracks and see where you are compared to the storms center.  If this storm intensifies as is expected any light structure or unsecured items will likely be tossed about. This includes unsecure tin roofs.

Winds could even be strong enough to cause damage in Manila if Noul takes a westerly track, so even though you are on the west coast you should continue to monitor this storm.

The rainfall will be a more wide spread threat. Areas inland could see up to 200-250mm of total precip. In central Luzons. Mountains facing the sea along the east coast are also subject to landslides due to the threat of over saturation in the coming days. - Western Pacific Weather

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