Fascinating October 2014 astronomical connections

Total Lunar Eclipse: On Oct. 8, 2014, sky watchers can witness total lunar eclipse which will soon be followed by partial solar eclipse on Oct.  23. The second of total lunar eclipse tetrad will occur before the dawn. The event will reach its peak at 6:25 a.m. EDT and will last till 7:24 a.m. EDT. 
Skyandtelescope.com has presented details about all the five stages of the rare and final total lunar eclipse of the year 2014. The report notes that during the various phases of eclipse the moon will turn from "bright to dull red-orange and back again." This spectacular view will be visible from most parts of Earth including Asia, Australia, North America and South America.
Full Moon: The full moon will occur on Oct. 8, 2014. The moon will be positioned directly opposite Earth and the sun. The event reaches its peak at 10:51 UTC. Sea Sky Calendar states that Native tribes in America used to call it "Full Hunters Moon." It is said that it is also popularly known as "Travel Moon and the Blood Moon."
Draconids Meteor Shower: This astronomical event occurs on Oct. 8 and 9. Sea Sky reports it is a "minor" one that merely produces 10 meteors per hour. However, the brightness of the full moon may become a hindrance for the sky watchers wanting to enjoy the meteor shower. For the best view, one should retreat to a place away from "city lights" at the middle of the night.
Orionids Meteor Shower: In a rare occurrence, the month of October will see second meteor shower on Oct. 22 and 23. According to the abovementioned astronomy publication, this is an "average" meteor shower which produces "up to 20 meteors per hour."
New Moon: On Oct.  23, the moon remains invisible in the sky. It will be positioned directly between the Earth and the sun at 21:57 UTC. Due to lack of moon light, one can easily observe the events occurring on this day.
Partial Solar Eclipse: October is a month of two eclipses, which is not a common occurrence. On Oct. 23, a partial solar eclipse will occur when the moon will partly conceal the sun. It will be easily observed in North and Central America. According to Space.com the solar eclipse will commence at 3.37 p.m. EDT and last until 7:51 p.m. EDT. au.ibtimes.com

The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood, before that great and glorious Day of the Lord." Acts 2:20

The Jewish Talmud (book of tradition / Interpretation) says; "When the moon is in eclipse, it is a bad omen for Israel. If its face is as red as blood, (it is a sign that) the sword is coming to the world." Therefore: Lunar Eclipse = bad omen for the Jewish people and Israel; Blood Moon = sword coming; Solar Eclipse = bad omen for the world.

Four, blood moons on Jewish Feast days within two years in Israel is very rare and has only occurred seven times since the time of Yeshua (Jesus). There are now four blood moons scheduled to appear in 2014/2015 and then there will NOT be any for the next 100 years.
Every time a blood moon pattern has appeared on Jewish feast days a big event affects the nation of Israel. The event affecting Israel begins just before the actual years of the blood moons. To understand what will happen in the 2014 - 2015 "blood moons" you must understand the pattern of blood moons in the past.

It was confirmed by NASA that we have had "blood-red moons" on the first day of Passover and thefirst day of Sukkoth on back-to-back years seven times since 1 A.D. Three of these occurrences were connected to 1492 (the year the Jews were expelled from Spain by Queen Isabella), 1948 (statehood for Israel and the War of Independence), and 1967 (the Six-Day War) — some of the most significant days in Jewish history. According to NASA - Four 'blood-red' TOTAL lunar eclipses WILL fall again on Passover and Sukkoth in 2014 and 2015… the same back-to-back occurrences at the time of 1492, 1948 and 1967.

Seven back-to-back, blood-red moons have fallen on the first day of Passover and Sukkoth, with the "eighth time"… coming in 2014 and 2015. - pray4zion


The rabbis teach that blood moons, "lunar eclipses" are a sign used by God for the judgment of the nation of Israel. They also teach that solar eclipses are a sign for the judgments of the nations of the world. Historically there is evidence that such occurrences always seem to take place at a time where there are world impacting events. The next combination of lunar (4) and solar eclipses (2) to fall on the appointed feast days will occur in a time period that covers 2014 and 2015. If there is to be major earth changing events that impact both Israel and the wider world then what could they be?

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