Cardinal Vidal chose his words wisely

"From a Distance": by Carmen Pedrosa:
Cardinal Vidal had said quoting the earlier Lipa declaration of National Transformation Council.

“In Lipa, the Assembly declared that far from preserving and defending the Constitution, as he swore to do when he assumed office, the incumbent President has subverted and violated it by corrupting the Congress, intimidating the Judiciary, taking over the Treasury, manipulating the automated voting system, and perverting the constitutional impeachment process.
He has damaged the moral fabric of the society, and has therefore lost the moral right to lead the nation. 
The Assembly called upon the incumbent to relinquish his position now.
These are very strong words, which the Lipa Declaration has submitted to our people for their careful consideration.
I hope and pray that in this Assembly, here in Cebu, the National Transformation Council will have the opportunity to further amplify this issue. May the wisdom of the Almighty God guide this Assembly in its deliberations and in crafting the appropriate Declaration that will issue from these proceedings."
Like a true leader of his flock the cardinal asked those present that they deliberate carefully what was declared in Lipa.
In my opinion, Aquino should not have to be told to resign if this is what he is doing to the country because of his incompetence. He should do so on his own volition.
 Cardinal Vidal chose his words wisely for which the poor cardinal is being pilloried by the yellow media. Cardinal Vidal, the unsung hero of Edsa, should stand by his words.

Also read:
Calls for Aquino resignation mount, after Lipa, 
Cebu and others echo Cardinal Vidal

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