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Of two moons and two suns, coincidences and synchronicities

OMG! Twenty years ago (1992), I produced a mythical dance-drama, ‘Mara Unduk’ (inspired by Marinduque’s ancient names Malindug, Malinduq, etc), whose opening lines went like this:
‘In the days of Bathala, when two moons still sailed the sky the earth was inhabited by highly-gifted spirit-people who lived in harmony with all existence. Such immense powers they possessed, for they controlled the four elements of Fire, Air, Water and Earth”…’ Read.
After twenty years I now come across a similar claim that, indeed, once there were two moons in our sky and one of them collapsed into a continent in the Pacific. Hmm, someone called Sheldan Nidle, the author of the YouTube video below so states at 4:49. “Now this is Lemuria. This is the place that was sunk when that one moon collapsed on it… the zones that sank in the Pacific, basically proved  that long time ago there was a massive disaster, or catastrophe as they call it, that caused the sinking of the surface world continent into the Pacific bottom… that many geologists then were able to ask, “did Lemuria actually exist?” Answer, high probability, “yes” … And at 6:16: “…this represents islands that were forced up and all of these micro-islands and major islands… for instance even the ones near the surface…  near the continent of Asia you have the Philippines for instance. The Philippines has very special energies, as does Hawaii, as does many of these islands that are remnants of Lemuria because of the Lemurian energy… and there are also ruins which cannot be fully explained…”

Coincidence? Synchronicity? Whichever. And there are other theories, but that concept about two moons, one collapsed, that caused a delubyo until an island rose from the bottom of the sea, Mara Unduk, sea mountain… also read.

Now it’s two days before Dec. 21, 2012 -  the end of the Mayan calendar (but the start of a new one), I just came across this fairly recent video about a scientifically-backed up story on the existence of two suns (!) in our midst and why we couldn’t see the other one (yet), but it would one day be visible. NASA has denied the existence of the planet Nibiru, even as staggering data have been written about it.

But what if NIBIRU is one and the same as TYCHE, the other sun? NASA astrophysicists have proposed the existence of a binary companion to our sun and use the name “Tyche”, a hypothetical planet that would have been recorded by the NASA mission Wide-field Infrared Survey (WISE) launched in December 2009. Read the NASA link here.

I firmly believe that we are indeed rapidly approaching a time of EPIC CHANGE ON PLANET EARTH

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