Earlier today, Congressman Velasco addressed more than 2,000 scholars of Marinduque State College (MSC) under the Leaders and Achievers of Velasco (LAV) program for the school year 2012-2013, broken down as follows: MSC Boac: 1,338 recipients; MSC Sta. Cruz: 540 recipients; MSC Gasan: 59 recipients; MSC Torrijos: 135 recipients.
As clearly stated above, these figures are for Marinduque State College alone and do not include beneficiaries from the other schools like Educational Systems Technological Institute (ESTI), St. Mary's College of Marinduque (SMCM), Marinduque Midwest College, Buyabod School of Arts and Trade (BSAT), Torrijos Poblacion School of Arts and Trade (TPSAT) and Sta. Cruz Institute (SCI).
Since the program started in 2010, regular students who applied for the LAV program in that year and who have remained enrolled in said school since then have received a total of Php 12,500 each. For this school year alone, the amount of Php 5.5-million covering the LAV educational assistance program has been remitted directly to the Marinduque State College. This excludes funds remitted to other schools.
Funds from Velasco's PDAF are remitted by the Department of Budget and Management (DBM), directly to all participating schools under a MOA entered into by the parties concerned. After distribution of the relevant vouchers, all cash payments are handled by the school's accounting department with students directly receiving the cash from the said school department. The same process is observed in all the other colleges (public or private), participating in the LAV program.
Also read: http://marinduquegov.blogspot.com/2012/11/lav-scholarship-program-strengthened.html |
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