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San Isidro Attracts PUP Tourism Students

Since last year after the discovery of the San Isidro Cave system, several groups have been enticed to experience this interesting cave that hides an underground river and rare species of bats and fresh water life.

In September, the Philippine Tourism Authority (PTA) Assessment Team visited San Isidro in the company of Congressman Lord Allan J. Velasco and only had praises for the cave’s subterranean river system that they themselves explored.

A couple of days ago a group of 13 tourism students from the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP), also trekked to San Isidro as part of their local travel immersion. The municipal government of Sta. Cruz with Mayor Percival Morales surprised the group when they paid a courtesy call at the town hall.

“Putong” welcome ritual was performed on cue by municipal employees that left most of the students teary-eyed with the ‘unforgettable’ surprise. The Mayor conveyed his thanks to the students for choosing to visit his town and expressed the hope that they’d also help spread the word on what pleasant surprises awaits those who visit Sta. Cruz.

(Mayor Percival Morales of Sta. Cruz).

(The PUP tourism students with Congressman Velasco)

Morales also expressed the hope that future visitors would also include in their itinerary the town’s other tourist attractions like its quiet beaches, mangrove forests, the beautiful islands of Maniwaya, Polo and Mompong, or simply mingling with people in the villages who are known for their hospitality.

After the cave experience, the PUP tourism students also paid a courtesy visit to Congressman Velasco in the latter’s resort house at Poctoy beach in Torrijos and graciously showed them around while giving a brief on local efforts to promote tourism in Marinduque.

(Congressman Velasco's place in Poctoy Beach, Torrijos)

A video on the San Isidro Cave and subterranean river’s discovery by the cave exploration team led by then provincial administrator, Lord Allan Velasco, was first posted on YouTube by this blogger in July 2009. As of today, the said YouTube video has attracted 8,569 views. (Reposted below)

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