Never the twain shall meet?

"Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,
Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God's great Judgment Seat;
But there is neither East nor West, Border, nor Breed, nor Birth,
When two strong men stand face to face,
tho' they come from the ends of the earth!*"

For there at last in Paye they meet
And tho' so different as to join their fate,
But for the fond memory of the nobles' blood
That spilled upon the rocky earth with rain now wet,
Oh, they were heard and seen rejoicing!

(*The Ballad of East and West – Rudyard Kipling)


  1. I love the poem. It is very appropriate for the photo of two opposites. This must have been taken during the Pulang Lupa Celebration.
    Have a Good Day!

  2. Hi Dave,
    Have hibernated for sometime, there isn't easy access to Internet in Amoingon, had to rely on Smartbro, slow at 40Kbps and going slower. Photo was taken at the Battle of Paye celebration in Boac July 31st.

  3. maganda ang blog mo. kaya lang pwedeng mo na bang tanggalin ang "gov" sa blog title mo? alam po namin, reserve ang "gov" kung nasa government service ka.

    baka pwede po, sir elly na gamitin mo na lang "marinduque rising" o mga katulad na text sa blogspot url mo?

    salamat po, sir elly. kung mahal mo ang marinduque, alam po namin na ito'y mauunawaan mo.

    love din namin ang probinsya mo.


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