Trip na Trip's intro to Marinduque

ABS-CBN Channel 2's "Trip na Trip" that promotes Philipine tourism by visiting interesting places did a special on Marinduque in Lent 2008, in cooperation with the provincial tourism team of Gerry Jamilla, Joven Lilles and Allan Velasco (former provincial administrator and now congressman-elect), and the office of Gov. Bong Carrion.

Hosted by KatKat de Castro, Jason Gainza, Franzen Fajardo, Kian Kazemi and Uma Khouny, part of the TV show's introduction to Marinduque is reproduced here.

The Trippers had a taste of local hospitality as they visited places like Balanacan, hiking to find the hidden marker known as Luzon Datum of 1911 that made the spot atop a mountain in Hinanggayon to be known as the geodetic center of the Philippines. They also visited the Boac Church, town center where they encountered the moriones, and many other places around the island, meeting and having fun with local mountain bikers, local lasses and ordinary folks.

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