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Kalutang Playing Preservation

Kalutang playing is unique to Marinduque. Originally used as auditory signal by farmers, it later came to be associated with the moriones in the town of Gasan. Then in the 70's Tirso Serdena, a farmer, developed a series of kalutang pairs and used them together with other players to play popular folk melodies. It is now considered part of the town's - and Marinduque's - cultural treasures.

The National Commission for Culture & the Arts (NCCA), municipal government of Gasan, Gasan DepEd and Serdena organized a project to teach the art of kalutang playing to elementary and high school students in Gasan town. All recognize the importance of handing down this skill to the next generation. Selected students from 15 elementary schools and 5 secondary schools were trained by Serdeno.

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